IEA submission: DETE Statement of Strategy 2021-2023

The IEA welcomes the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment’s (DETE) call for feedback to its Strategy Statement 2021 – 2023. The IEA remains open and committed to working with DETE and the wider Government in the interest of Irish exporters and importers alike and the success of the wider Irish economy.

The department’s Strategy Statement 2021 – 2023 comes at a time when the business community needs certainty. Delivering positive outcomes in the interest of enterprise, trade and employment is in the national interest and we believe that continued strong and effective engagement with stakeholders through the well-established stakeholder groups set up under the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation is paramount to the department’s success.

We submit our recommendations to ensure that Irish exporters are key to the Department’s important work. We look forward to continuing to work with the Department in the years ahead.

Read our full submission here
