IEA Submission: White Paper on Enterprise

The Irish Exporters Association welcomes the Department of Enterprise, Trade and
Employment’s (DETE) call for submissions to its White Paper on Enterprise policy. The IEA
remains open and committed to working with DETE and the wider Government in the
interest of Irish exporters and the success of the wider Irish economy. There is much to be
done and we, the leading representative body and voice for exporters in Ireland, will play
our part and continue to partner with Government to ensure that trade continues to flow
through these difficult times.

The Department’s White Paper comes at a time when the business community needs
certainty as well as a clear future-focused direction of travel. Delivering positive outcomes
in the interest of enterprise, trade and employment is in the national interest and we believe
that continued effective direction from the Department is key to the economy’s success.
We submit our recommendations to ensure that Irish exporters are key to the Department’s
important work. We look forward to nurturing our positive relationship with the Department
in the years ahead

IEA Submission – DETE White Paper on Enterprise Policy
