IEA Submission: The Second Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) National Implementation Plan
Given the breadth of issues that the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) cover, implementing the United Nation’s (UN) SDGs will require an all-encompassing governmental, interdepartmental, and multi-stakeholder approach. We are working with our members through our National Council and Regional Network Groups to raise awareness of the Goals and how they can be incorporated into member’s business operations. The SDGs are all interlinked and therefore successful implementation of each Goal cannot be achieved in isolation.
We welcome the opportunity to contribute to the second SDG National Implementation Plan and would like to thank the Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications and the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) for facilitating this consultation with interested stakeholders. We note that the aim of the National Implementation Plan is to support and promote policies across government that work towards meeting the Goals.
We call on Minister Ryan and the DECC, to consider the four recommendations outlined in our submission, that aim to support interdepartmental coordination, stakeholder engagement and actions required for further SDG Implementation from 2021 to 2023. Read our submission here.