IEA Submission: Renew to Review the National Development Plan (NDP)

We welcome the opportunity to contribute to the Review to Renew public consultation on the review of the National Development Plan (NDP) and we would like to thank Minister Michael McGrath TD and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DEPR) for the possibility to do so and the initiative to take account of the changed world in which we live owing to Covid-19. The NDP is wide reaching, and we welcome that it is complementary to the National Planning Framework (NPF). It is important that Government policies are cohesive and that plans that encompass wide fractions of society work towards the same aims and targets.

We have prepared our submission in conjunction with our National Council and Regional Network groups. Our submission is drafted in such a way that it addresses our policy priorities for 2021 and addresses the changed world we live in due to Covid-19, which brings opportunities to address the ongoing climate crisis. Our policy priorities include:

  • Covid-19
  • Brexit
  • Market Diversification
  • Sustainable Trade and Investment
  • Trade Compliance

Read our submission here
