UK Customs Changes January 2022 – Rhenus Logistics
On January 1st 2022 the UK moves to full customs controls including its GVMS (goods vehicle movement service) platform. GVMS will provide a single transaction for departures and arrivals.
What does this mean and what do you need to do?
To ensure seamless transport between the UK and the EU we recommend you keep the Customs and Transport with the one provider helping to avoid cost implications and potential delays. Your transport provider must be registered for GVMS with HMRC and have the ability to create import safety and security declaration (ENS) in the UK. If your transport partner does not have these capabilities your goods will not be able to board the ferry in Ireland.
The 2022 introduction brings additional Customs requirements best served by Rhenus’ end-to-end pre-lodgment solution, seamless linking each process under one platform. Rhenus / ALS (customs experts in the Rhenus Group) have a pre-lodgment end-to-end solution that covers all transport and customs formalities, reducing border and delivery delays.
To find out more contact Rhenus / ALS today:
Sean Brennan
Customs and Compliance Director
Tel: +353 (0)87 361 1609