Bright future ahead for Green Angel Irish Skincare

2020 was a year of change for the whole world. Throughout this entire pandemic, the world watched as health care officials took their place in an effort to make the world safe again. As they worked endlessly, there was a cry out for supplies that could and would aid their efforts.

Green Angel Irish Skincare brand switched from manufacturing skincare products to producing hand sanitiser in a bid to join the global effort to minimise shortages.  The entire team worked day and night to help in whatever way they could, this meant that sales reps, office staff and marketing dept. helped out on the factory floor to meet demands.

The operation was very successful and hand sanitisers were made available to health care workers, schools, businesses and the general public.   It also gave Green Angel the opportunity to give back to the local community i.e., by partnering with meals on wheels to donate 1000 bottles of hand sanitiser and Green Angel Seaweed Hand Cream to those who needed it the most.

With two lockdowns we were lucky we could utilise our skills and keep the business afloat, but production changes aren’t without their hurdles however’, says co- owner Chris Mitchell, ‘obtaining regulatory approval and compliance for instance, appropriate staff training, authorisation to use denatured alcohol and then sourcing materials/ingredients which suddenly became scarce’.

‘It was a tough year, our strength was tested but we made it through and we are very proud of the massive teamwork of our staff and what we accomplished, we have a lot to be grateful for’.  The growth of our online sales helped enormously also.

Heading into the new year while we are all trying to come to terms with the greatest global health crisis in a century and the arrival of a new strain to the virus and the country in level 5 lockdown, Green Angel continues to manufacture Hand sanitiser with the addition of their latest product hand and surface sanitiser which comes with an uplifting refreshing lemon scent.

Keeping their staff safe is of the utmost importance to them and all surfaces, touchpoints and common areas are sanitised every 2 hours.

‘We are keeping very optimistic in the light of the roll out of the vaccine’ says Mitchell, ‘we opened our new Green Angel Skincare flagship store 3 weeks before Christmas in the beautiful countryside of Co. Wicklow, one of the most photogenic counties in Ireland A67 YC64 and are looking forward to re-opening as soon as the restrictions are lifted with a coffee shop and vintage tea rooms to follow

2021 will bring changes but for now the pandemic is still here and obstacles are still being thrown at us which we must face with positivity. We are all stronger than we think. So, lets hope we can hold on to our emotional stamina and hope that sometime through the year it will bring prosperous opportunities to all Irish Businesses’.


