Dublin Network Group meeting

The next meeting of the Dublin Group takes place on Friday 28th April at noon for one hour. The meeting will be chaired by Gabbie White, Director Global Logistics for Alexion Pharmaceuticals. The agenda for the meeting will be available shortly.

Our Regional Network Groups were set up to ensure that IEA members and associates have a regular platform to discuss issues of concern including, COVID-19 and Brexit. The meetings will directly contribute to our communications and public affairs work.

To register please email Michelle Hegarty – michellehegarty@irishexporters.ie

The Network Group meetings are sponsors by Rhenus LogisticsIrish Rail Iarnród Éireann, and Fleet Magazine. We would like to thank our sponsors for their ongoing support in holding these important meetings.

location Location location Date time Time
Microsoft Teams April 28, 2023 12:00 - 1:00 pm

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