Irish Exporters Association publish Budget 2022 recommendations

The Irish Exporters Association (IEA) has published its Budget 2022 submission which calls on the Minister for Finance, the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform and the Ministers’ departments to ensure that Budget 2022 supports businesses, particularly those that trade internationally and those without who’s services, this trade would not be possible. The submission addresses and comes forward with proposals on the following four issues:

  • Emerging stronger from the pandemic
  • Adapting to Brexit and supporting market diversification
  • Addressing the climate crisis
  • Reinstating a global and connected Ireland

Chief Executive of the Irish Exporters Association Simon McKeever commented: “Irish exporters and importers based in Ireland, continue to demonstrate resilience despite supply chain disruption brought about by Covid-19, Brexit and global trade tensions, and indeed the production disruption which Covid-19 has had on businesses across the globe. Figures published by the CSO confirm the resilience of exporters and their ability to adapt to changes in trading arrangements, in particular changes to trading arrangements with Great Britain where our exports in June 2021 were ‘€1,420 million, an increase of €575 million (+68%) compared with June 2020’.

Our submission seeks to address how IEA members can emerge stronger from the pandemic – remote working supports, the future of the EWSS and access to credit from shrinking options in the banking sector. In terms of Brexit, we believe that training and supports should continue as well as more investment in customs checks infrastructure. Putting Ireland back on a globally connected footing is essential to the future of our FDI model and indeed the future prosperity of the Irish economy.

Addressing climate change and sustainability is fundamental to Budget 2022. Exporters, importers and supply chain actors need more information on what changes they must make in the months and years ahead. Budget 2022 needs to address ambitions set out in the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021 as well as the targets that the Climate Action Plan 2021 will map out for each sector to set Ireland on the course to carbon neutrality by 2050.”
