Personal Protective Equipment Database launched in partnership with the Irish Exporters Association

The Irish Exporters Association (today) launched a database of companies producing personal protective equipment (PPE). The initiative is led by the Chair of the IEA’s Western Regional Network Group, Dr John Carr. John spearheaded the initiative to create a database that took account of companies in Ireland that already produced PPE and companies that have repurposed operations to produce face shields/visors, masks, gowns and aprons and hand sanitiser.

The database has proved very useful for health departments at home and abroad in sourcing the much sought-after PPE. Dr Carr and the IEA recognise that this is a rapidly evolving market, with new products being brought to market on a continuing basis, by both existing and new manufacturers to this sector. The Irish Exporters Association is delivering support to companies included in the database in exploring and identifying export markets for the essential products.

 Chair of the IEA Western Regional Network Group Dr John Carr commented: “From my participation in a National COVID taskforce setup to source PPE, I recognised the need to establish a supplier database to support SME’s who setup PPE manufacturing in Ireland.

This database is designed to assist these SME’s supply PPE within Ireland and assist with export market development through the support of the Irish Exporters Association.”

Chief Executive Simon McKeever commented: “The Irish Exporters Association is delighted to be involved in this initiative, led by our colleague and Chairman of the IEA’s Western Regional Network Group, Dr John Carr. I echo John’s comments on the importance of the database in assisting SME’s explore and establish themselves in export markets for their essential products.

Irish producers of personal protective equipment have proved to be extremely adaptive, efficient and resilient during the pandemic. We want to ensure that their high-quality products are brought to further markets. This database is evidence of Ireland’s place as a global leader in the pharmaceutical and life sciences space, in both the production of medicines and devices and now growing in strength in producing personal protective equipment for health care workers.”



  • We recognise that this is a rapidly evolving market, with new products being brought to market on a continuing basis, by both existing and new manufacturers to this sector.
  • The database is available through the Irish Exporter Association’s website here:
  • The Irish Exporters Association has set up a Southern Regional Network Group, Western Regional Network Group and is in the process of setting up a Midlands Regional Network Group.
  • The IEA Regional Network Groups brings together selected business from the exporting industry. The Regional Networks strengthen the connection between the IEA and its regional members, providing businesses with networking opportunities. This close connection allows members to engage directly with the IEA to find and develop specific solutions challenges facing our members on a day-to-day basis.
  • Further information on our Western Regional Network Group that Dr John Carr chairs can be found on our website: